Monday, May 16, 2005

Shock, horror: toxic chemicals found in celebrities' blood!

My first posting for a while, so time for a good rant.

An unholy alliance of the World Wide Fund for Nature and the Co-Op bank has tested the blood of "celebrities" for a range of potentially dangerous industrial chemicals (see "Toxic chemicals" in celebrities as reported by the BBC).

According to the report:

Justin Woolford, of WWF's Chemicals and Health Campaign, said the tests showed all the celebrities were "contaminated with toxic chemicals".

"It highlights the shocking fact that it is impossible for any of us to avoid these nasty substances," he said.

Actually, it highlights the fact that all these "celebrities" are alive and well and that there is absolutely no reason to suppose that minuscule quantities of synthetic chemicals are doing them any harm at all (assuming that Anthony Worrall Thompson, for example, was equally obnoxious without additives). Among the horrors we are told were found (and, by the way, no levels were given, so we're probably talking about close to the level of detectability in some cases) were:
So, once again, we have scientific facts (the low level presence of these substances) twisted to suit a particular political agenda, based on the fact that "man-made" or "industrial" = "bad". Not only that, but if I was an account holder or shareholder of the Co-Op bank, I would object to my money being used for such purposes.

The insidious propagation of material like this needs to be resisted: does anyone have any good ideas about how?

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