Thursday, January 20, 2005
As a taste of my views, you might want to check out a recent opinion piece on the More Than Science website, taking nanotechnology as a starting point (click on the link below). Comments welcomed!
At times, it seems that society has lost all faith in science, despite the fact that its applications underpin much that we take for granted in our lives. These are the thoughts and musings of someone who is out of step with this postmodernist way of thinking.
I work as an independent consultant in the science communication and policy areas. My clients come mainly from the private sector, with a current emphasis on agriculture and the food supply chain. I'm keenly interested in promoting a rational, evidence-based approach to decision making. That doesn't mean that there's only one right answer to any question: people's interpretation of the same facts will vary. But I do believe that facts are facts and that we can all be objective, no matter what our beliefs or who we work for.